Administrative Services Division
Servicios de protección para adultos
El programa de Servicios de Protección para Adultos (APS) brinda servicios de prevención, intervención y protección para adultos dependientes y discapacitados y ancianos. El personal del condado es responsable de responder a las denuncias de abuso y negligencia, intervenir en situaciones de abuso y negligencia de adultos y brindar servicios a las familias donde el adulto está en riesgo. APS brinda servicios de informes a la comunidad las 24 horas del dÃa para denunciar sospechas de abuso y negligencia, investigaciones de abuso y/o negligencia, servicios preventivos para vÃctimas, según sea necesario durante la intervención.
La LÃnea Directa de Servicios de Protección al Adulto supera las 700 llamadas al año. Estas llamadas resultan en más de 400 casos aceptados anualmente para investigación de abuso y negligencia. Este programa debe operar las 24 horas del dÃa, los 7 dÃas de la semana. El personal se asigna y rota para cubrir el trabajo fuera del horario laboral. Si sabe que alguien está siendo abusado o sospecha que lo está, llame al (760) 337-7878.
Consejo de Cuidado Continuo del Valle Imperial
Homeless Taskforce
This team implemented and operated the Assessment Center and Project Roomkey during the COVID-19 pandemic. They provided non-congregate shelter options, such as hotels or self-contained trailers, for people experiencing homelessness, and in need of space to isolate, quarantine or practice safe social distancing, Services offered by the Homeless Taskforce have the the goal of protecting human life, and minimizing the strain on health care system capacity.
Administrative Entity
Dedicated team developed and implemented internal procedures that reduced administrative time, which has subsequently been refocused on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery of services. Increase in IVCCC membership participation from organizations within the community. Monthly meeting attendance has improved, which has allowed for invaluable input for existing or future program design.
Housing Support
A total of $500,000 of funding provided to the Imperial Valley College for the first of its kind tiny homes off-campus neighborhood. This community of twenty-six (26) 170-square-foot homes is dedicated to students experiencing housing insecurity.
Over $2,500,000 of funding provided to Catholic Charities for Apagando Las Calles, the remodeling of a building which included adding the following: a modular bathroom for men (at least 2 toilets and 2 urinals), a modular bathroom for women (at least 4 toilets), shower stalls for men and women (at least four) which will be alternated between the two genders on a given day and a laundry area. Additionally, a new commercial kitchen was built in a vacant space near existing building.